June 8: Learn About Copyright and Blogging

Copyright: How do I protect myself from legal trouble and how do I protect my content?

June 8th, 2011 at the AT&T Executive Education Center

6:30 – 7:00 pm – Meet and greet other members

7:00 – 8:30 – Panel Discussion with Q&A

Free for AFBA members, $10 for non-members


With the popularity of content sharing platforms, posting content that is freely available online seems like a good idea.  Posting a popular video or photograph to your site can drive a tremendous amount of traffic.  But before clicking send, do you think about copyright law?

Using copyrighted photos, re-posting recipes, and using music are all ways that can land you into legal troubles along with legal fees.  Join Anthony Campbell and Rachel Farris on Wednesday, June 8th to discuss copyright issues and blogging.  Rachel Farris will share her personal experience of having a photograph stolen.  Anthony Campbell will share his legal expertise in how to handle legal action and how to protect your work from theft.

Issues we’ll discuss include:

  • Someone refuses to remove my content from their site. What should I do?
  • I received a cease and desist. What do I do now?
  • What are the different types of licensing for content?
  • A fellow blogger stole my work.  How should I approach a friend?
  • Do I need to file for copyright on all my blog posts?
  • Should I trademark my blog name?
  • I received a letter demanding that I give up my domain name.  Is this legal?

Meet Rachel:

Native Texan and Democratic activist Rachel Farris (@MeanRachel) writes MeanRachel.com, a progressive blog that follows politics, the legislature and how they both are affected by social media. She covered the 2008 Democratic National Convention with The Texas Observer team and has spoken about social media and communications at the University of Texas LBJ School of Public Affairs, Texas State University’s “Mass Communications Week,” and St. Edward’s University. She also writes for The Huffington Post, currently serves on the board of Texas Democratic Women, and has served as the National Communications Director for the Young Democrats of America Women’s Caucus. She is also known for her work at the Austin-based PetRelocation.com, where she oversees operations and directs online communications strategies to create brand awareness and foster relationships with pet owners online.


Meet Trey:  

Trey Ratcliff is best known for StuckInCustoms.com, which has become the #1 Travel Photography Blog on the Internet. On average, the photos get 175,000 views per day and over 60 million total. His work first became popular after Trey had the honor of having the first HDR photo ever to hang in the Smithsonian. After that, Trey was represented by Getty, featured on the BBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, and NBC, and has had numerous showings around the world.  Trey Racliff was also awarded a 2010 Texas Social Media Award, and currently shares his passion and knowledge for HDR with other photography enthusiasts.

Meet Anthony:

Mr. Campbell is trademark specialist with experience in advertising, marketing and contest law, along with use of image, likeness, name and voice. With a broad background in marketing and commercial practices, Anthony assists with visual, graphic and performance artists, authors, designers and architects on copyright licensing and infringement matters, and assists in negotiating performance, reproduction and publication rights agreements. Mr. Campbell has extensive experience in computer and technology law. As an electrical engineer with work experience in computer architecture that has maintained an e-mail address since 1988, he was at the forefront of Internet legal issues, handling domain name litigation in 1996, website user agreements, privacy policies, software licenses, website development and hosting agreements and general on-line, computer, copyright and intellectual property matters.  In his free time, Anthony is an avid cyclist: Mr. Campbell have donated several thousand dollars of proceeds from his work to support his charitable bicycle rides, including rides from Houston to Austin, San Antonio to Austin, and Houston to New Orleans.

Thank you to @MeetatTexas and @WholeFoodsATX for supporting our event.

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