Ask and ye MAY receive! At this months Austin Food Blogger Alliance Board meeting, Megan, our membership chair and blogger at Stetted, asked me to share a list of all of the folks who participated in the Austin to Boston Food Swap. I’m keeping a tally of all the bloggers who write about the #atxbos experience here, but thought the complete list deserved its own space.
- @atxfoodnews
- Austin Gastronomist, @atxgastronomist
- Bake Me Away, @bakemeaway
- Bite of Austin, @biteofaustin
- Blinded by the Bite, @blindedbite
- Boxing Octopus, @boxingoctopus
- The Clothes Make the Girl, @melicious11
- Epicuriosities, @christy111luv
- Food Good Laundry Bad, @evinschmevin
- Forgiving Martha, @forgivingmartha
- From Maggie’s Farm, @frommaggiesfarm
- Girl Eats World, @lindaeatsworld
- Girl Gone Grits, @girlgonegrits
- Grubbus, @GrubbusAllOver
- Home with Mandy, @homewithmandy
- The Kid Can Cook, @thekidcancook
- Kitschn Calamities, @jkru
- Lonely Gourmet, @lonelygourmet
- Luvs2Eat, @Luvs2EatBlog
- Mike Galante, @mikegalante
- Rebeccamendations, @Rbcammendations
- Relish Austin and The Feminist Kitchen, @broylesa
- Shoestring Austin, @shoestringatx
- Slow Down and Savor, @slowdownsavor
- Tasty Touring, @tastytouring
- Trailer Food Diaries, @trailerfood or @tiffanyharelik
- You Stay Hoppy Austin, @stayhoppyaustin
- Bakeaholic Mama, @BakeaholicMama
- Battlemouth, @battlemouth
- Bite Me New England, @Janis_Tester
- Blunder Construction, @blunderblog
- Boston Food Swap, @bosswappers
- Cave Cibum, @cavecibum
- Creative Soul in Motion, @IamCre8tiveSoul
- Eat Live Blog, @renh77
- Eating the Week, @eatingtheweek
- Farm Share Stories, @teresaelsey
- Fork it Over Boston, @blumie
- From Seed to Stomach, @frseed2stomach
- Grown Away, @frekky
- Healthy Food for Living, @foodforliving
- The Hungry Crafter, @hungrycrafter
- Kathy Can Cook, @kathycancook
- Kiss My Glass Boston, @kissmyglasswine
- Kitchen Misfit, @kitchenmisfit
- Lena on the Beach, @lenaonthebeach
- Made by Frances, @lindsfrances
- The Mighty Rib, @themightyrib
- Pickles ‘n Honey, @picklesnhoney
- Pop Bop Shop, @mollygaller
- Savory Flavors, @michellet11
- That Really Frosts Me
- This is Not a Martini, @Thsisntamartini
- Wine Me a River, @winemeariver
Looking forward to the next swap!
-Jodi Bart, Tasty Touring